Spraying Services
AirNex provides pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers spraying services through drones. While an average person can only spray 5 acres of land. Our drones can spray 150 acres of area in 24 hours. AirNex also provide targeted spraying services which ensures the application of spray on specific zones. With AirNex spraying services you can save your crops better than ever
Drone Spraying

1st Step

Drone Scan

Once the client have provided us area of interest and perscription of the spray. The whole area is scanned by the drones.

2nd Step

Drone Spraying

After scanning the area spraying drones starts the operation and spray the crops with precision.

3rd Step


Client can monitor all the spraying activities by interactive dashboard. They can also monitors the whole history of crops how many times it has been sprayed and what compounds were sprayed etc.

Want to spray your crops?
Contact Us